Friday, May 22, 2015


   When my two bedroom apartment went down in flames on September 29th 2012 I had no choice but to downsize. After eight months of thorough searches, and living at my friend's, and trying to find a two bedroom for the same price range I got tired I had to settle for a junior one bedroom in East Harlem.
At first I was frustrated because I lived like I was in a storage locker for about three month.
One can really get traumatized to rent storage space and loose the last of her possessions again. It was a tough feeling that I had to let go off because with all those boxes lingering around I couldn't move freely, and neither was it ok to invite anyone over. The decision to rent storage and finally get rid of all that clutter was hard.
My apartment is so small that what I have salvage from the fire I couldn't possibly fit all of it in there although I discarded of my old furniture, it was still a burden.
I worked at a law firm a few years back and when my sanity was in jeopardy (I don't take orders well, specially when I had no choice) I quit to a more creative lifestyle as a stylist and Photo shoot creative director. Then I accumulated so much clothing and accessories that you would have taught that my second bedroom/office was a theater's wardrobe closet. You name it I owned it from Forever 21 scarves to Prada dresses still with their tags etc
It  was horrible to even think of how much money I have lost in that fire but still couldn't fit the remaining pieces in my 350 sq ft shoe box apartment.
That apartment is so small that I can actually brush my teeth in the sink, sit on the toilet and have one leg in the shower all at once in the bathroom.

The point is now I have adopted a simplified wardrobe trick that is very efficient. I never have more than 37 pieces in my closet point blank. And if I buy one more piece something must go. When we really think about it; how much clothes do we really need. I am proud to say that I am part of the uniform elite. Whatever lives in my closet have to be different, and versatile enough so that if I have to go out without going to change home I can just throw a pair of heels on and it turns into a semi formal attire. I collect pieces.
We tend to accumulate things that we don't need just because we think we do need them or to impress others. I think that fashion maturity comes later in life when it's time to focus on our career and future rather than on others perception of us, by the way we dress. By adopting that simple lifestyle it doesn't mean that I have checked out of my fashionista six sense but most likely claiming my individuality in a smart way. No more clutter.

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