Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Preppy Trendy: LESS IS MORE

Preppy Trendy: LESS IS MORE:    When my two bedroom apartment went down in flames on September 29th 2012 I had no choice but to downsize. After eight months of thorough...

Preppy Trendy: HOW I LOST 40 LBS IN A MONTH

Preppy Trendy: HOW I'VE LOST 40 LBS IN A MONTH:      I've never considered myself overweight until I passed by a floor length mirror that wasn't in a store. See, store mirrors ar...


     I've never considered myself overweight until I passed by a floor length mirror that wasn't in a store. See, store mirrors are slightly tilted and the lighting is deemed so you could look great while trying the clothes. They give you the illusion that you have lost that ten pound instantly.
Ever wonder why you only see your dimples when you get to try the clothes you purchased again home. That's exactly why.
So, I got that OMG moment in front of that floor length mirror that I have recently purchased. It raises all those question we ask ourselves.
Is this the way the world see me. Is this what I look like...
I was disgusted at myself, 29 but yet on the border of obesity. I was 160 lbs for 5'9. Let face it. We all female most likely to have those discouraging moments when we feel that our body is out of shape.
I've always associated myself with the numbers we wear; zero, two etc. and Until then wearing a size six or eight was quite comfortable in my head but after the revelation that this mirror had laid upon my eyes I was horrified. My belly was sticking out so much that, that Eureka flash hit me. This is why I get people to stand up for me on the train. They all think that I am pregnant.  I needed to do something about this pronto. I went from depressed to jolly in thirty minutes have I found that detox diet recipe online.
And that exactly what I did. I went on a detox diet for a month. We'll call me extreme but I literally survive on that lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple sirup mixture that have people talking for thirty days.
Now that I am talking about it, it might seems difficult but really it was the best thing I ever did for myself apart for quitting smoking cold turkey and that's another story.
What I have noticed about that diet is that, only the first three days were unbearable and excruciating. You smell, see, think about food more than you would have on regular days. I was aggressive and irritable and I couldn't tolerate to see people eating. I was relentless. Asking myself a thousand times a day why am I doing that to myself. Fast enough those three days passed and I turned into a poise woman. Not talking too much, moving slowly so I could save up energy. I would go to restaurants with my friends and I would just sip on my detox cocktail while they eat and indulge on large meals without having an urge to eat, myself. I loved it. I loved that self control that this detox had inflicted on me. I saw myself disappearing in no time. People I say good morning to every day on my way to work started not recognizing me in the streets. I was in heaven. That month went by pretty fast after those three days of agony. It's been a year and a half and I haven't gained and ounce more. That detox diet does work and if I had to do it again I totally would.


#1 (single serving):
  • 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon Juice (about 1/2 a Lemon)
  • 2 Tablespoons of Organic grade B maple syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup you use on pancakes)
  • 1/10 Teaspoon Cayenne pepper powder
  • Ten ounces of filtered water
#2 (60 oz. daily serving):
  • 60 ounces of filtered water
  • 12 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
  • 12 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
  • 1/2 Teaspoon cayenne pepper powder
There are a couple important things to remember when preparing the lemonade.
For one, the lemon juice used must be fresh squeezed. This cannot be emphasized enough. It is necessary to use fresh produce. Canned juice won't work.
Also, the maple syrup must be grade B maple syrup, not the processed syrup (which is usually high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavoring) that is used at the breakfast table.
The cayenne pepper might seem unnecessary, but it's very important. Not only does add a bit of a kick, but the pepper helps to break up mucus and increases healthy blood flow. It's also a good source of B and C vitamins, commonly referred to as Super Vitamins due to their many benefits for the body.

Friday, May 22, 2015


   When my two bedroom apartment went down in flames on September 29th 2012 I had no choice but to downsize. After eight months of thorough searches, and living at my friend's, and trying to find a two bedroom for the same price range I got tired I had to settle for a junior one bedroom in East Harlem.
At first I was frustrated because I lived like I was in a storage locker for about three month.
One can really get traumatized to rent storage space and loose the last of her possessions again. It was a tough feeling that I had to let go off because with all those boxes lingering around I couldn't move freely, and neither was it ok to invite anyone over. The decision to rent storage and finally get rid of all that clutter was hard.
My apartment is so small that what I have salvage from the fire I couldn't possibly fit all of it in there although I discarded of my old furniture, it was still a burden.
I worked at a law firm a few years back and when my sanity was in jeopardy (I don't take orders well, specially when I had no choice) I quit to a more creative lifestyle as a stylist and Photo shoot creative director. Then I accumulated so much clothing and accessories that you would have taught that my second bedroom/office was a theater's wardrobe closet. You name it I owned it from Forever 21 scarves to Prada dresses still with their tags etc
It  was horrible to even think of how much money I have lost in that fire but still couldn't fit the remaining pieces in my 350 sq ft shoe box apartment.
That apartment is so small that I can actually brush my teeth in the sink, sit on the toilet and have one leg in the shower all at once in the bathroom.

The point is now I have adopted a simplified wardrobe trick that is very efficient. I never have more than 37 pieces in my closet point blank. And if I buy one more piece something must go. When we really think about it; how much clothes do we really need. I am proud to say that I am part of the uniform elite. Whatever lives in my closet have to be different, and versatile enough so that if I have to go out without going to change home I can just throw a pair of heels on and it turns into a semi formal attire. I collect pieces.
We tend to accumulate things that we don't need just because we think we do need them or to impress others. I think that fashion maturity comes later in life when it's time to focus on our career and future rather than on others perception of us, by the way we dress. By adopting that simple lifestyle it doesn't mean that I have checked out of my fashionista six sense but most likely claiming my individuality in a smart way. No more clutter.